Blockchain for Communication Networks: Opportunities Beyond the Hype


Everything Is AWESOME

This talk looks beyond the blockchain hype to present a clearer picture of the role blockchain will play in future communication networks. About this event Blockchain technology has emerged as a solution providing trust, security and identity managment for companies in the telecommunications, Internet of Things and energy sectors.

There are difficulties, however, facing its full implementation: Companies that have already prototyped solutions to support real-time communication demands have, for instance, encountered difficulties in migrating centralised systems as well as designing new decentralised systems using blockchain.

This talk will:

summarise state-of-the-art research in the use of blockchain in the telecommunications, IoT and energy sectors; outline blockchain-based R&D projects in the CONNECT Centre, including a look at the technology and infrastructure stack of a blockchain-based solution, and functional and scalability benchmarking apparatus; provide details of attractive co-funding schemes which allow companies to partner with CONNECT researchers to design and deliver a mutually beneficial blockchain-based research project. *This research is supported by Science Foundation Ireland and Irish Research Council.